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Louise Fay Holmstrom, Mary Louise Burke, Elvira Wright Boltwood
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY (1892)
Ralph Waldo Emerson
1863 or 1864
Mr. & Mrs. Hinckley Williams with their only son Hinckley Wright Williams
Edward Boltwood
Clarinda Boardman Williams
From a Daguerreotype taken in June, 1881
Clarinda Boardman Williams
Mrs. Harriet (Boltwood) Marsh
Mercy Weeks
Age 90 - 1852
Fanny H., Elvira W., Charles W. Boltwood
Goshen MA, Aug 1892
Elvira W. Boltwood, Isabel Puffer, Bella Mcflail, Linda Puffer, Bess Gibbard, Fanny Haskins Boltwood